Knee Injury

Knee Injury

  • Severe knee injury
    £85,100 - £117,410
  • Leg fractures that include the knee joint
    £63, 610 - £85,100
  • Knee injury causing serious long-term problems
    £31,960 - £53,030
  • Knee injury causing mild long-term problems
    £18,110 - £31,960
  • Moderate injury
    Up to £16,770

The figures above are generated by JMW’s Compensation Calculator and provide an estimate of the average amount that could be claimed for an injury, based on the Judicial College Injury Tables. They provide a rough guide of how much you might be able to claim for your knee injury, and could help you decide whether to pursue your legal case.

If you would like a more specific estimate of how much you could claim for your knee injury, you should speak to an expert solicitor who can provide an estimate after assessing your injury and personal circumstances, including any financial losses you may have suffered.

To find out more or to begin your knee injury compensation claim, call JMW today on 0345 872 6666, or fill in our online enquiry form to request a call back. You can find out more about our personal claim services here.

What Should I Do Next?

Starting a knee injury compensation claim requires you to take proactive steps to ensure your claim can be progressed as smoothly as possible.

After obtaining an initial estimate from our Compensation Calculator, you should make contact with a specialist personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. A qualified legal team will be able to look at all the variables involved in your case and advise on how the process will work and what to do next. For more information on the claim process, take a look at our guide to the Lifecycle of a Claim.

Once you have decided to make a claim, your solicitor can contact those responsible for your injury and start gathering evidence to create the strongest possible case for you, based on their expert knowledge of the law. The aim will always be to secure the best available settlement with a minimum of stress for you.

To find out more about this process, call JMW on 0345 872 6666 for a free, no-obligation conversation about your options.

What Can Affect the Value of a Compensation Claim?

Knee injuries are inevitably painful and inconvenient, but because this joint plays such a key role in the mobility of the leg, damage to the knee can make carrying out daily activities more difficult, uncomfortable, and painful.

For some people, a knee injury means not being able to move the affected leg for a prolonged period of time, seriously impacting their ability to work and participate in other parts of their life. This can result in significant financial costs, whether this be through a loss of income or money spent on medical treatments and rehabilitation.

In the most serious cases, a severe knee injury can lead to life-changing issues, meaning you may require lifelong permanent support and alterations to your lifestyle in order to cope.

Every knee injury claim is different, with compensation calculated based on the severity and circumstances surrounding the injury and the injured person’s financial losses resulting from the accident. To find out how much this could be worth in total, speak to JMW’s personal injury solicitors today.

How Can Compensation Help?

The amount of compensation you receive from your claim will depend on the severity of your knee injury, your ability to work, and the care required to aid your recovery and manage your injury. Compensation can help contribute to the following treatments and expenses:

  • Rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Changes to accommodation
  • Transportation requirements
  • Medical expenses

If your knee injury was caused by someone else’s negligence and is causing mobility issues, or preventing you from working, compensation can help to ensure rapid access to treatment and help with any expenses incurred.

About Knee Injuries

Many people will suffer from a knee injury at some point during their lives. Although knee injuries may occur as a result of an innocent accident or muscular degeneration, unfortunately, there are instances where they have occurred due to someone else’s negligence. 

Common situations where other people are responsible for knee injuries include:

Damage can occur to any part of the knee, including:

  • The articular cartilage, which covers the end of your shin and thigh bones 
  • The menisci, which are two crescent-shaped discs that help stabilise the knee
  • Ligaments, which connect bones together
  • Tendons, which connect muscles to bones

A knee injury can have a huge effect on your quality of life, especially if it makes movement difficult. This can restrict your ability to work, enjoy hobbies and travel. Physical effects of a knee injury can also include:

  • Frequent or recurring pain
  • Weakness in the knee
  • Limping
  • Stiffness in the joint
  • Inability to bend or straighten the leg

Regardless of how you have been affected by a knee injury, if it was caused by somebody else’s negligence, you may be entitled to make a claim for compensation.

Case Studies

JMW has years of experience of helping people with knee injuries to claim the compensation they deserve. Find out more by having a look at some of our case studies:

Talk to Us

To find out how much compensation you could be entitled to for a knee injury, speak to JMW Solicitors today. Our team will provide you with a clearer idea of how much you are eligible for and help you start your claim.

Call 0345 872 6666 today, or fill in our online enquiry form and we will get back to you.

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