Understanding the SRA’s Transparency Rules And Their Impact

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Understanding the SRA’s Transparency Rules And Their Impact

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) recently updated its resources to help law firms comply with transparency rules. These updates are important in ensuring that consumers have access to clear and accurate information about legal services. This article will explore the SRA’s transparency rules, their importance, the consequences of non-compliance, and insights from key stakeholders.

The SRA’s Transparency Rules

The SRA’s transparency rules were introduced in 2018 and require law firms to publish specific information about their services and pricing. The aim is to improve consumer access to information, thereby enhancing trust and competition in the sector. The key requirements are:

Cost Information: Firms must provide clear details about the total cost of services, or if not possible, an average or range of costs. This includes disbursements and VAT.

Qualifications and Experience: Firms need to publish details about the qualifications and experience of those providing the services.

Service Details: Information about what is included in the price, key stages of the matter, and typical timescales must be clearly outlined.

Updated Resources and Pricing Templates

In September 2024, the SRA released additional resources to assist firms in complying with the rules. They include more accessible pricing templates, which firms can tailor to their own websites. The templates present pricing information in a clear and user-friendly manner, helping consumers understand the costs involved in providing legal services.

Paul Philip, Chief Executive of the SRA, underlined the importance of the updates: "Transparency is a key aspect of trust in legal services. By providing clear, accessible pricing information, firms not only comply with regulations but also empower consumers to make informed choices".

Importance of Transparency Rules

Transparency in legal services is vital for several reasons:

Consumer Trust: Clear information about costs and services builds trust between consumers and legal service providers. The rules help firms avoid complaints and avoid situations in which invoices are not paid through a lack of understanding in relation to costs.

Informed Decisions: Consumers can compare different providers and choose the one that best meets their needs. If consumers feel they have choice, they are more likely to commit and participate in the process of instructing their chosen firm.

Market Competition: Transparency fosters competition among law firms, potentially driving down costs and improving service quality. The rules indirectly promote innovation in the legal market.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Since May 2023, the SRA has so far issued 439 official warnings and 36 fixed penalty fines to law firms for breaches of the transparency rules. Common breaches include:

Failure to publish information about key stages and likely timescales of services.

Omitting information on disbursement costs and VAT in published prices.

Not providing details on the experience and qualifications of service providers.

The fines for these breaches typically start at £750, with a potential increase to £1,500 for continued non-compliance. The SRA’s proactive approach includes regular checks of firm websites and requiring firms to complete compliance declarations.

Paul Philip highlighted the effectiveness of these measures: "The threat of fixed penalties is proving effective in bringing firms into compliance. Compliance is clearly not optional".

Updated Guidance for Law Firms on Reviewing Website Compliance

The SRA has also issued updated guidance on reviewing websites to ensure compliance with transparency rules. Key Steps for Reviewing Website Compliance

Regular Reviews: Law firms should conduct reviews of their websites, at least annually to ensure information is up-to-date and compliant with the SRA’s transparency rules. This includes checking that service details, cost information and qualifications of service providers are up to date and accurately presented.

Consistency Across Platforms: Crucially, client-facing documents should be consistent with information on a firm’s website, especially when it comes to client care letters and terms of business. Consistency avoids confusion and ensures clients receive the same information no matter what the source.

Use of Updated Templates: As described above, the templates present pricing information in a user-friendly manner, making it easier for consumers to understand the costs involved in using legal services.

Independent Reviews: An independent third-party review of the website can provide an objective assessment of compliance. This external review can help identify any areas that may have been overlooked and ensure that the website meets all regulatory requirements.

Accessibility and Prominence: Cost information must be clear, accessible, and prominently displayed on the website. Users should be able to easily find and understand pricing details.

Handling Customer Reviews: The SRA has updated its guidance on engaging with customer reviews and review websites. Firms are encouraged to handle customer feedback transparently and constructively, using reviews to improve their services and build trust.

The Importance of Website Compliance

Ensuring that a law firm’s website complies with the SRA’s transparency rules is not just about avoiding fines; it is also about building trust and credibility with clients. A compliant website provides clear and accurate information, helping consumers make informed decisions about legal services. This transparency can enhance a firm’s reputation and attract more clients.


The transparency rules and the associated guidance on websites are essential in maintaining trust, competition and innovation in the legal market. The updated resources and pricing templates provide a valuable starting point for law firms to ensure compliance. Non-compliance can result in significant penalties, underlining the importance of adhering to the regulations. Indeed, fixed penalties attract the SRA’s attention to a firm generally and once the spotlight has been focused, the SRA will often scrutinise other aspects of the business. By embracing transparency and reflecting compliance in their websites, law firms can enhance their relationships with clients and contribute to a more informed and competitive legal market.

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