Sam Healey is a partner in the Business Crime and Regulation team and has substantial knowledge and experience in handling complex and serious cases. He works nationally with many of his cases having an international element. His experience and expertise is vast, having particular emphasis in handling matters relating to:
Sam is regularly instructed to represent corporates, individuals and professionals. He is someone clients always want by their side given his robust and pragmatic approach in representing and protecting their position. He identifies immediately the salient issues, is able to navigate his way around complex legal and factual issues in a case and has a meticulous eye for detail.
Sam also has a Masters in Law having completed work in considering the changes to the regulatory framework of financial institutions, in particular, the banks. This work was completed during the transition of regulation from the FSA to the FCA and PRA. The focus of his work was to consider whether the new proposals to regulate financial institutions would be sufficient to prevent a future financial crisis and perfectly places him to assist in all Fraud, Financial Crime and Regulatory related offences.
In March 2024 Sam was awarded crime lawyer of the year at The Legal 500 Northern Powerhouse Awards.
North West Fraud Forum
Health & Safety Lawyers’ Association (HSLA)
Private Prosecutors’ Association
Fraud Lawyers Association
Notable Cases
Business Crime & Corporate & Professional Regulation
R v SW – SFO prosecution following the Unaoil investigation. Allegations of conspiracy to give corrupt payments, alleged international bribery and corruption to secure contracts worth in total in excess of £1billion, in post-war Iraq. Conviction quashed following Appeal.
R v BB – Conspiracy to defraud, finance fraud, ten defendants, conservative loss estimated at £250 million. Acquitted. Southwark Crown Court, London.
R v CM – Conspiracy to defraud, representing the Registered Manager in proceedings brought against a care home, alongside eight other defendants. Three decades of alleged financial abuse resulting in a financial benefit in excess of £30 million. Reported as the longest trial in the Court’s history. Acquitted.Liverpool Crown Court.
R v AS - Conspiracy to cheat the public revenue, along with 15 co-defendants, to import tobacco under cover loads thus avoiding the requirement to pay excise duty. Loss to HMRC of £12 million. Manchester Crown Court.
R v DC – Conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation. Alleged large scale fraud and blackmail over a number of years. Multiple companies and individuals falsely presenting themselves as debt collection agencies. Client acquitted. Nottingham Crown Court.
R v LS – Company Director. Alleged offences of conspiracy to defraud and consumer protection from unfair trading regulations – misleading and aggressive commercial practice. Financial benefit in excess of £1.5 million. Leeds Crown Court.
R v JM – Alleged offences of money lending without a licence (Financial Services and Markets Act) and money laundering. Unlicensed money lending over 8 years resulting in a financial benefit of in excess of £1 million. Preston Crown Court.
R v SM – Represented Company owner, alleged offences of unauthorised use of Registered Trade mark and Money Laundering offences. Relates to selling of items online, imported from abroad. Confiscation proceedings and subsequent application for an order confirming an inadequacy in the available amount. Preston Crown Court.
R v NA – Represented Director, twelve counts of alleged fraud by false representation and offences under Companies Act and Insolvency Act, over a two year period amounting to in excess of £100,000 obtained from multiple companies. Prosecution brought by Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). Suspended sentence, no confiscation proceedings. Chester Crown Court.
Serious Motoring Offences
R v ML – Allegation of causing death by careless driving. Client insisted that we represented her over the proposed insurance panel Solicitor. Acquitted. Burnley Crown Court.
R v WD – Allegation of causing death by careless driving whilst under the influence. Case on-going.
R v DB – Allegation of causing serious injury by dangerous driving. Suggested speed in excess of 100 mph. Acquitted. Bolton Crown Court.
R v FK – Allegation of causing serious injury by dangerous driving. Suggested to have lost control in the rain when overtaking a section of wet road incorporating tram tracks (Sheffield Super-tram network). Acquitted. Sheffield Crown Court.
R v HC – Allegation of driving without due care and attention, fail to stop and fail to report a road traffic collision. CPS discontinued proceedings (Acquitted). Wasted costs order granted. Ipswich Magistrates Court.
R v DG – Allegation of careless driving and driving whilst unfit due to drugs. Complex issues relating to the presence of prescribed medication. Following representations with the support of a forensic toxicologist, the CPS discontinued the proceedings (Acquitted). Defence costs order granted. Nottingham Crown Court.
What His Clients Say
… From the very first meeting until the last, you and your team have worked tirelessly to ensure that we get the best possible outcome given the serious nature of the allegations that I faced...Your detailed, thorough and methodical approach during the course of the investigation not only ensured that the prosecution were unable to hide behind their disclosure obligations but that their investigatory failings were exposed. This constant pressure for disclosure by you and your team resulted in numerous trials collapsing and a prosecution plea bargain eventually being secured…Your access to leading experts also proved that my situation could not have been avoided...As a family it has been a torturous two years but the fact that you believed in me and continued to fight my corner gave me the strength to keep going and I can’t thank you (and your team) enough. The fact that I am in a position to write this recommendation today is the biggest testament to your hard work and dedication…
Mr D, CEO, North West (Allegation of Death by careless driving whilst under the influence)
Sam Healey got me through the worst time of my life when I found myself fighting a criminal case for money laundering. Good communication, attention to detail, forward thinking and every inch the professional. Sam worked hard to fight my case with an excellent result. I got my life back. I would highly recommend Sam to anyone caught up in financial crime...
Mrs W, London (Allegation of Fraud and Financial Crime)
Sam…as you can imagine I am so relived with the outcome of my case and I am so grateful to you for presenting my case so thoroughly… you were so kind to me and recognised my fears and nervousness with empathy and utter professionalism…
Mrs L, North West (Death by careless driving)
Sam provided clear and objective advice from the outset on the options available and the subsequent strategy employed by Sam was expertly executed to produce a highly successful outcome. I would recommend Sam to anybody finding themselves in a similar situation.
Mr D, Solicitor, Manchester
Sam is every inch the professional and showed tenacity, effort and attention to detail throughout my case. Words cannot express how relieved I felt at the conclusion of the matter, and the outcome was indeed as Sam had advised at the outset. Anyone who knows the pressure and nightmare of a criminal charge absolutely needs balance, balance of commitment, right choices, dedication to the cause and the client and the power and ability to stay the course. Sam never flinched from the objective of truth and fact, and without doubt his time and effort paid off. Sincerely I can only say thank you to Sam, and my recommendation would be given without reservation.
Mr J, Yorkshire
The worst 20 months of my life has just come to an end with all credit due to my solicitor Sam Healy, who right from our very first meeting put me and my family at ease. He is an absolute professional and has kept me fully updated with all occurrences throughout my case. Sam’s advice and support have been invaluable throughout the process and the final result was more than I could have ever wished for!
Mr R, Sheffield
I would just like to thank Sam Healey once again for his services. I really couldn't believe the outcome as I expected the worst. If it wasn't for his understanding and hard work it would have been a lot worse. I would recommend anyone to use Sam.
Mr H, Manchester
I would just like to thank Sam Healey once again for his services. I really couldn't believe the outcome as I expected the worst. If it wasn't for his understanding and hard work it would have been a lot worse. I would recommend anyone to use Sam”.
Sam Healey was invaluable at helping me through an incredibly difficult time. As an innocent third party in a confiscation case, Sam took me through each process, step by step. No matter how trivial my questions he showed empathy, patience and total professionalism as he worked towards a successful conclusion.
The protracted nature of the case meant things for me became very stressful. Sam was always available on email or phone offering advice and reassurance, giving my case priority throughout.
I genuinely cannot thank him enough, and would wholeheartedly recommend Sam to anyone else needing similar help.
Mrs J, South East (Interested third party in confiscation proceedings)
Sam is very well prepared and very client focused – he looks after his clients and keeps them up to date.
Chambers and Partners 2025
Sam Healey is an exceptional lawyer with very high standards. I found his attention to detail and knowledge of a case bordering on frighteningly good.
Legal 500, 2025
Sam Healey is a star performer. His calming presence reassures his clients and he gets the job done. His attention to detail is fantastic and his detailed preparation is second to none.
Legal 500, 2025
Sam Healey is an exceptional criminal defence solicitor. Healey acts in a full range of serious crime cases including murder, kidnapping and sexual assaults. He also has additional strength in dealing with financial crimes.
Chambers and Partners 2024
Sam Healey is a very careful lawyer with a very studious approach to the law.
Chambers and Partners 2024
Sam is extremely efficient and always has his finger on the pulse. He knows exactly where cases are at every stage.
Chambers and Partners 2024
Sam is particularly proactive and his preparation is very good.
Chambers and Partners 2024
Sam is a very competent and very organised strategic solicitor.
Chambers and Partners 2024
Sam Healey is a ‘standout, heavyweight performer, who is absolutely exceptional, strong, strategic and assiduous in all of his work.’
The Legal 500
Sam Healey is approachable, straight forward, and will go the extra mile for his clients and do everything he can to conduct the smooth passage of a case through the system. He is exceptional at knowing exactly where a case is at any given moment with an amazing eye for details and memory of what has previously happened. He is simply a class act.
The Legal 500
Sam Healey is widely regarded as a go-to lawyer for financial crime matters. He has a very calming disposition and clients are delighted to have him on their side.
The Legal 500
Sam Healey’s attention to detail is fantastic, even in the most complex of cases. He is a team player, always willing to discuss strategy with counsel and to have a reasoned debate about the tactical options available in a case. He is reassuring and pragmatic with clients, leaving no stone unturned on their behalf whilst providing cogent advice.
The Legal 500
Sam Healey provides his clients with a five star service.
The Legal 500
Sam Healey is an impressive solicitor with excellent client care and strong tactical acumen.
The Legal 500
Sam regularly speaks to media publications on various themes and topics. You can read some of his articles below: