Private Prosecution Solicitors

Call 0345 872 6666

Private Prosecutions

Initial Advice £900 Fixed Fee

JMW offers a fixed fee service for £900 (inclusive of VAT), which includes up to two-hours of preparatory work and consultations, where we will discuss the merits of your case with you and look through any available evidence. We may also need to make background enquiries. Following the consultation, we will send you a letter confirming our advice, setting out our recommended next steps and a budget where appropriate.

The cost of this service will be deducted from the total cost of your legal fees should you choose to instruct JMW to prosecute the case. Please note that the availability of the fixed fee service is subject to confirmation once we have been provided with the details of your case. 

Our team also has a list of preferred specialist barristers who will provide additional expertise and assistance for a fixed fee of £600 (inclusive of VAT). Please note that opting for this service is not necessary to obtain our initial advice. 


For a company, bringing a prosecution can be a faster and cheaper alternative to using the civil courts when redressing suspected fraud, theft or other offences of dishonesty. A company can choose to commence a criminal investigation alongside a civil claim even where it concerns the same conduct and/or assets. This can increase the range and effectiveness of the overall action and help a business obtain justice and set a deterrent against future offending by other employees or bad actors.


For individuals, bringing your own prosecution can sometimes be the only way to get justice when the police are too slow, are under-resourced or simply lack the expertise or willpower to investigate and prosecute your case. Too often members of the public are told that something is a 'civil matter' when it is not, or the police decide to take no further action when the evidence merits a prosecution.

To speak to a solicitor about making a private prosecution, get in touch with JMW today by calling 0345 872 6666, or fill in our online enquiry form and we will get back to you.

On This Page

How JMW Can Help

JMW has one of the largest business crime and regulatory teams in the country and we work hand-in-glove with specialist investigators who are former detectives in elite UK law enforcement units, as well as leading barristers with experience of prosecuting at the highest level, to maximise the chances of a successful outcome.

We have extensive knowledge of this area of the law and a track record of success in helping clients to pursue private prosecutions and obtaining convictions. Our team is ranked in Chambers UK and the Legal 500 as a leader in the specialist category of private prosecutions, which reflects the number of successful cases that we have brought to court.

Reasons for Starting a Private Prosecution

When an employee has committed theft or fraud

Companies can act against an employee or former employee who has committed theft or fraud. Often a company will want to take advice on the criminal consequences of an employee's actions at the same time as conducting an internal investigation and following a disciplinary process. As well as recovering the proceeds of the crime, bringing a prosecution can have a deterrent effect and be an opportunity for risk-assessing its internal procedures to prevent future offending.

When the police have failed to investigate

Public confidence in the ability of the police to investigate lower priority crime is at an all-time low. Cuts to police funding and falling numbers of officers have resulted in high numbers of victims waiting months or even years for a decision or failing to have their cases actively investigated at all. We have advised many clients who have been told by the police that their complaint is a civil matter, when in fact it is a criminal one. Bringing your own prosecution with a private solicitor will almost certainly be faster than waiting for the police and Crown Prosecution Service and will give you more control than you would otherwise have over the direction and duration of the case.

When there has been perjury or an attempt to pervert the course of justice

Private prosecutors are in a better position to assess the merits of difficult cases like allegations of perjury or attempts to pervert the course of justice. If you have been convicted of a crime but suspect that witnesses in the case have broken the law, investigating the merits of a private prosecution can go hand in hand with considering an appeal against conviction.

Pursuing a group prosecution

Prosecutions are stronger where there is evidence of more than one victim. A private prosecution can be the appropriate course where individual members of the public have been defrauded by one company, for example, if they have been victims of an investment scam.


How do I fund a private prosecution?

The costs of bringing a private prosecution may be paid back by the court, whether you win or lose, so providing you can fund the case through to completion you may recover a significant amount of your costs. Crowdfunding is also an option if you have a cause that members of the public believe in, or if friends and family members want a platform to pool their contributions.

Do I need to go to the police first?

There is no requirement to go to the police or any other authority before bringing your own prosecution, although it can often be a good idea. Some cases require the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions or the Attorney General before they can be prosecuted. We will advise you of the best course, and whether permission is required to prosecute a specific offence. 

What are the typical costs of a private prosecution?

For simple cases in the Magistrates Court, a typical prosecution will cost around £10,000 -£15,000 plus VAT. However, the costs will increase based on the length of the investigation and the amount of evidence that needs to be presented to court. We will provide you with a clear costs budget following initial advice and this will be updated regularly as the case progresses. Remember that a significant proportion of the costs should be paid back at the end of the case. 

Do I have to use a lawyer to bring a private prosecution?

No, the right to bring a prosecution is not dependent on having a lawyer. Bringing a prosecution can be difficult and very technical, so having a legally qualified team around you will reduce the chance of something going wrong.

What if I can’t afford the whole prosecution?

If you cannot afford to fund the case to its conclusion, we can still assist you by putting together a package of evidence to take to the police. This will increase the chances that your case will be accepted and successfully prosecuted by the authorities.

Talk to Us

If you wish to explore the merits of a private prosecution, the business crime and regulation team are on hand to provide assistance. Contact  0345 872 6666 or fill in our online enquiry form and we will get back to you.