Identity Fraud

Call 0345 872 6666

Identity Fraud Defence

If you have been accused of committing identity fraud, JMW can provide specialist legal services to help you build a strong, robust defence. We have the experience, knowledge and drive to ensure it is as watertight as possible, and have been practising in this area of law for more than two decades.

Our team has extensive knowledge of this area of the law and a track record of success in defending individuals accused of related offences.

To speak to a solicitor, call us today on 0345 872 6666 or fill in our online enquiry form and a member of the team will get back to you.

Our Services

The expert team at JMW is well-equipped to help with any aspect of an identity fraud case, and we can help both individuals and businesses of all shapes and sizes. Identity fraud is when a fraudster uses someone else's identity to steal money or assets from them, or to open bank accounts, apply for credit cards, passports or similar vital documents. These charges can be very serious and it is therefore imperative that if you are accused of committing such, you have access to an expert legal team that will fervently fight your corner.

To give you the very best chance of securing a favourable outcome, we are able to enlist the help of various other professionals. These can include:

  • Solicitors
  • Forensic accountants
  • Telecommunications experts
  • Computer forensic experts
  • Fraud experts

Why Choose JMW?

Our solicitors have an excellent track record in helping businesses and individuals to successfully defend against allegations of identity fraud. We will draw on our extensive knowledge as well as that of other experts, putting together a dedicated team comprising various specialists to create the strongest possible defence against the allegations made against you.

We will work closely with nationally recognised leaders in identity fraud; our previous clients have found their comprehensive knowledge of great benefit in building a successful defence.

Our professionalism and close attention to detail will ensure you are armed with the right knowledge and the best possible defence to fight the accusations. With our client-focused service you will always be kept informed about the progress of your case. 

Talk to Us

Contact our identity fraud solicitors today to find out more about our services and how we can help you present a solid defence against the allegations you face. Simply call us on 0345 872 6666 or complete our online enquiry form and a member of the team will call you back.