Bonus Disputes for Employees

Call 0345 872 6666

Bonus Disputes for Employees

If you are unhappy about a bonus payment and feel that you have been unfairly treated by your employer, whether your bonus is contractually guaranteed or discretionary, it is worth speaking to a member of our employment law team for some initial legal advice.

Our employment law solicitors regularly advise employees during bonus disputes and understand how stressful launching legal action against an employer can be. We will handle every aspect of the legal process on your behalf and you can rest assured your case will be in safe hands.

To speak to a lawyer for initial advice regarding a bonus dispute, simply call 0345 872 6666 or fill in our online enquiry form and we will get back to you.

Am I Entitled to a Bonus?

If your bonus is guaranteed in your contract then, unless otherwise specified, you should receive it every year. If your contract also states the amount you should receive and your employer has not honoured those terms, it is likely you will be able to enforce payment.

If your bonus is awarded based on the discretion of your employer, it is much more difficult to achieve a favourable result in a bonus dispute. In most cases, you would be required to demonstrate that bad faith or discrimination played a part in your employer’s decision to withhold or reduce your bonus.

Target Focused Bonuses

It may state in your contract that your bonus will only be rewarded for hitting a target. Your employer has a responsibility to ensure that these targets are clearly explained and calculated in your contract of employment. We have been involved in cases where an employer has blurred the guidelines so the full bonus payment does not need to be paid.

Why Choose JMW?

Our team is friendly, sympathetic, and committed to securing the best possible outcome for our clients. We can provide practical legal advice and guidance on your potential bonus dispute, ensuring you have all the facts before deciding whether to pursue legal action.

We have years of experience in handling cases where people have been mistreated by their employer, and we understand it can be difficult when you’re out of pocket for something you feel you have earned. That’s why we will act quickly and efficiently to achieve the result you want.

Talk to Us

Get in touch with the expert team at JMW today for advice in relation to any bonus dispute matter. Call us on 0345 872 6666 or complete our online enquiry form and a member of the team will call you back as soon as possible