JMW client awarded damages and costs from a former employee
JMW acted for the claimant company. The defendant had previously worked for the claimant company. During employment, the defendant was entitled to use several items including phones and company laptops.
When the defendant’s employment terminated, the claimant requested the return of the items and in breach of the Shareholder Agreement, the defendant failed to return the items as well as authorised the lease of a company car & unlawfully retained the company car following the termination of his employment. JMW’s claimant client brought a claim for costs incurred as a result of the unauthorised use of the vehicle.
How JMW helped
The defendant was a litigant in person so the solicitors at JMW were able to communicate effectively with him and try and reach a resolution, which was ultimately reached.
Understandably the claimant very nervous about this matter going to trial, both financially and emotionally, so JMW’s solicitors were able to support the client and maintain his expectations throughout the matter.
We successfully applied to strike out the defendant’s counterclaim – protecting JMW’s client from exposure, litigation risk and achieving him a sum of money at an interim stage.
JMW’s client was awarded £28,000 in legal costs and we were also able to achieve a settlement with the defendant, in advance of trial to avoid further fees being incurred for our client.
JMW’s claimant client was awarded more than £20,000 in damages.
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If you would like advice on a contract dispute, we can help to navigate you through the process. Please contact us on 0345 872 6666 or fill in our online enquiry form to request a call back.