Chemical Burn During Surgery - £8,500

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Chemical Burn During Surgery - £8,500

Natasha, 5 years old, Manchester

JMW has been successful in securing £8,500 compensation after she received chemical burns during a surgical procedure.

Natasha had suffered from problems with her kidneys since birth. She was diagnosed as having a duplex left kidney and as a consequence, she was admitted to hospital hemi- nephroureterectomy (removal of a portion of a kidney and ureter).

During the course of the operation, Natasha sustained an injury to her right side about the same size as a credit card. Initially, the surgeon considered this to be a pressure sore caused by lying on that side throughout the surgery.  However subsequently, a Plastic Surgeon, from whom he sought advice, felt it to be a chemically induced burn caused by prolonged and direct exposure to skin cleaning fluids commonly used in surgery, such as chlorhexedine. 

Lasting effects

Understandably, this injury caused Natasha some discomfort for several months.  The wound began to heal after three months but she was left with discomfort and itching and a deeply pigmented scar. An expert felt that the appearance of the scar will change very little, given the time which had already passed since the operation and the itching and discomfort may continue long term. The expert did not recommend any treatment options by way of surgery. 


The hospital trust made an offer to settle the claim and JMW Solicitors were successful in obtaining £8,500.00 compensation for Natasha.  

Have you also suffered an injury during surgery?

If you or somebody you know has suffered in a similar manner simply call us on 0345 872 6666 or complete our online enquiry form and allow us to contact you. We will discuss your situation with understanding and care, and help you get the outcome you deserve. 

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