Extension of bowel cancer screening is welcome life-saving move

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Extension of bowel cancer screening is welcome life-saving move

With there being a history of bowel cancer in my own family and having previously worked on behalf of clients where diagnosis was made too late, I know only too well the impact this devastating disease can have. I was therefore interested to read this week about the extension of bowel cancer home testing kits to over 50s in England.

It is great to hear that this will bring 850,000 more people into this screening programme, allowing them the opportunity to have their stools checked for changes. Changes to bowel movements, including stools containing any traces of blood, are some of the strongest signs of bowel cancer and identifying these at an early stage can ensure a prompt diagnosis and help to put patients on the appropriate treatment plan. This gives them the best chance of less invasive surgery, raises the possibility that their cancer will be cured, and saves lives.

I appreciate that providing stool samples can be embarrassing, but it is so important that everyone who received one of the Fit testing kits does participate as this can literally be life-saving. It is also vital to remind everyone, regardless of age and risk factors, to look out for any changes as highlighted by Bowel Cancer UK. As well as change in bowel habits, and blood in your stool, these can also include abdominal pain, extreme tiredness, and weight loss. If any of these symptoms are present those affected should seek a GP appointment as soon as possible to get advice.

Having spoken to many clients over the years about the impact of a delay in diagnosis of cancer, I believe it is vitally important that any signs of bowel cancer are taken extremely seriously so that as many people as possible can avoid its most serious consequences. As solicitors who specialise in cancer cases, JMW is always happy to support patients who have not received appropriate care and help them to obtain answers and achieve financial help, but we would rather that they were not in this position in the first place. Hopefully this screening extension will further help this.

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