Obstetric Cholestasis Negligence

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Obstetric Cholestasis Negligence Claims

Obstetric cholestasis is a rare condition of the liver that can occur in otherwise healthy women during pregnancy. If the condition is not diagnosed, it can greatly increase the risk of premature labour and stillbirth

If your condition has gone undiagnosed or been misdiagnosed by a medical professional, and it led to further complications, the expert clinical negligence solicitors at JMW can help you make a claim for compensation. 

To speak to a member of the team about your obstetric cholestasis negligence claim, call us today on 0345 872 6666, or complete our online enquiry form and we will give you a call back. We take on cases on a no win, no fee basis. 

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How JMW Can Help

Itching is the most common symptom of obstetric cholestasis, but is also often associated with a normal pregnancy, meaning diagnosis of the disorder is sometimes missed. If doctors fail to appropriately diagnose and manage the condition, and your baby is affected, this will amount to medical negligence, meaning you can make a claim. 

JMW’s clinical negligence team will treat your claim with the importance and sensitivity it deserves, while ensuring you are in the best possible position to secure the best possible outcome. We will guide you through the legal process, explaining the options that are available to you and providing advice to help you make the best decisions in regards to your claim.

Our medical negligence solicitors, led by Eddie Jones, form one of the most highly regarded teams in the UK, with members on the Law Society’s specialist panel of clinical negligence solicitors and the Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA) solicitors panel. We have a great deal of expertise in claiming compensation on behalf of clients who have suffered due to medical negligence.


What is obstetric cholestasis?

Obstetric cholestasis, sometimes called intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP), is a serious liver disorder that can sometimes develop in pregnant women. 

For reasons not fully understood, bile salts, which are normally excreted by the liver, build up in the blood causing intense itching of the skin, particularly on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. These bile salts usually flow to your gut from the liver and assist with food digestion. However, in some instances, the bile salts do not flow as they are meant to, which leads to the build-up. 

Although there is no cure for the condition, it does clear up once the baby has been born. 

What are the symptoms of obstetric cholestasis?

In many cases, itching on the hands and feet are the only symptoms; however, mild jaundice can occur in rare cases. Other symptoms associated with the condition can include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Physical fatigue
  • Mental fatigue

Again, these symptoms are common in many normal pregnancies. For more information on the symptoms of obstetric cholestasis, visit the NHS website

Who is at risk of obstetric cholestasis?

You may be more at risk of obstetric cholestasis if: 

  • There is a family history of the condition
  • You are of Indian or Pakistani origin
  • You have suffered from the disorder in a previous pregnancy 
What are the risks of obstetric cholestasis?

The condition rarely has any long-term consequences for the mother, with the itching generally disappearing within a week or two of delivery. However, if obstetric cholestasis goes undiagnosed there is a greater likelihood of premature labour or stillbirth. A planned early delivery between 35 and 38 weeks will usually avoid these complications, which is why a correct early diagnosis is so important.

The condition tends to increase in severity with subsequent pregnancies, making even earlier delivery of the baby necessary, and there is an increased risk of it occurring with twins.

Talk to Us

If you have suffered from obstetric cholestasis negligence, speak to our medical negligence solicitors today to enquire about making a no win, no fee claim for compensation

call us on 0345 872 6666, or complete an online enquiry form and we will get back to you.

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