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Criminal Defence Success Stories

Get in touch with the expert team at JMW today for advice in relation to any criminal defence matter. Call us on 0345 872 6666 or complete our online enquiry form and a member of the team will call you back as soon as possible. Remember, we offer an initial free consultation for all the business crime cases brought to us.

Conspiracy to Arson - Case Dropped

Mike Rainford and Ellie Dales successfully represented an individual who was charged with conspiracy to arson. Conspiracy to arson is a serious offence which could have resulted in the client receiving a custodial sentence if convicted. JMW were able to identify significant disclosure failures made by the Crown Prosecution Service (‘CPS’) and persuaded the CPS to drop the case against the client a week before the trial was due to commence.

Image of Mike Rainford

Client acquittal following allegations of Perverting the Course of Justice

Laura was instructed to act on behalf of a client who was of good character and had been charged with an allegation of Perverting the Course of Justice. Perverting the course of justice is a serious offence which would usually attract an immediate custodial sentence if convicted

Image of Laura Leech

Laura Leech secures acquittal in attempted murder case

Our client was initially arrested for attempted murder and JMW was instructed following the initial police interview. Following a charging decision being reached, JMW were able to secure bail following the client’s second interview under caution and the case then proceeded to the Magistrates Court.

Image of Laura Leech

Successful Acquittal on all counts of Sexual Assault – Trial

Helen Kelsall successfully represented Mr M who was charged with three offences of historic sexual assault. He was at risk of an immediate custodial sentence of up to 9 years owing to the charges he faced.

Section 4 Harassment – Charge withdrawn in advance of Trial

Hojol Uddin and Elisha Kaur successfully represented Mr H alleged to have made numerous calls and messages to the complainant amounting to Harassment. This includes threats of violence and a suggestion of Acid to be thrown on the complainant. It was our client’s case that this was all concocted by the complainant and certain conversations cherry picked and not in the correct context. Moreover, he did not accept some of the handle names on snapchat were attributed to him.

Conspiracy to commit Robbery – Successful Representations

Hojol Uddin and Elisha Kaur successfully represented Mr M alleged to have been involved in a conspiracy with others relating to the robbery of a motor vehicle concerning a substantial number of amazon parcels.

Two Restraint Orders Discharged in Full

Sam Healey, Sarah Wylie and Ellie Dales have secured the discharge of two Restraint Orders made against two clients after they were able to show that the Crown had failed to comply with their duty of candour and misled the Court in their initial ex parte application for the Restraint Orders.

Laura Leech secures bail at the Crown Court following serious sexual offences being alleged

Expert legal representation from Laura Leech secures bail for a client charged with allegations of multiple rapes and controlling and coercive behaviour, by undermining the Prosecution’s grounds to oppose bail.

Ben Hall successfully defends against a Football Banning Order application

Ben Hall and Chloe Wynne, based in our London criminal defence team, successfully defended an application from the Crown Prosecution Service for a Football Banning Order, following our client’s guilty plea to possession of a class-A drug.

Angela Leskaj successfully secures dismissal of fraud trial at Guildford Crown Court

Angela Leskaj and our London-based criminal defence team successfully defended a prosecution for an offence of fraud by false representation, which was discontinued following the submission of strategic enquiries.

Grievous Bodily Harm x2 – Charges Dropped

Hojol Uddin and Elisha Kaur successfully represented Mr K alleged to have caused Grievous Bodily Harm to a Police officer and his neighbour whilst driving a motor vehicle.

Possession of a Firearm, Ammunition and Assisting an Offender Proceedings – Acquittal

Hojol Uddin, Elisha Kaur and Haani Shafi have successfully represented an individual who was involved in a multi-handed five-week trial. Prior to the trial, JMW Solicitors were successful with an application to dismiss Count One (Possession of a Firearm) and Count Two (Possession of Ammunition), based on insufficient evidence. Following the application, Count Three of the indictment (Assisting an Offender) remained and the client was acquitted after trial.

Worth a Gamble? Account Freezing Orders discharged.

Jack Murphy and Elisha Kaur successfully represented two individuals part of a “Professional Gambling” Collective who engaged in match betting. Lancashire Constabulary stated that they had reasonable grounds to suspect that the funds were recoverable due to them being derived from criminal conduct, namely Gambling and Money Laundering.

Perverting Course of Justice – Immediate Custodial Sentence and Driving Disqualification avoided.

Hojol Uddin, Elisha Kaur and Jack Pittam successfully represented an individual alleged to pervert the course of public justice on two separate occasions by providing false driver details in order to evade driving licence penalty points and a fine.

Concerned in Class A County Lines Drugs Conspiracy – Suspended Sentence (No Immediate Prison)

Hojol Uddin, Helen Kelsall, Elisha Kaur and Daniel Christian successfully represented Mr M alleged to have been involved in a large-scale County Lines Drugs Conspiracy involving four others.

Murder Investigation – No Further Action

Laura Leech, represented a suspect at the police station who had been arrested on suspicion of murder. Following expert representation, the Crown Prosecution Service advised the police to take no further action against our client.

Drugs and Money Laundering through Cryptocurrency

Hojol Uddin, Helen Kelsall and Elisha Kaur successfully represented an individual alleged to have been involved in a large-scale money laundering conspiracy.

Possession with Intent to Supply Class A Drugs (Cocaine) – Avoids Prison Sentence and Visa Success

Helen Kelsall and Elisha Kaur successfully represented Mr F who was charged with two offences, namely Possession with Intent to Supply Class A Drugs (Cocaine) and Public Disorder. He was at risk of an immediate custodial sentence owing to the charges he faced.

Successful representation of Actual Bodily Harm, Robbery and Attempted Robbery

Hojol Uddin and Jade Halliday-Mitchell successfully represented a client accused of 1 Count of Actual Bodily Harm, 1 Count of Robbery and 1 Count of Attempted Robbery.

Croatia v N – Extradition Warrant Discharged

Angela Leskaj from our London Business Crime and Regulation team secured a great result at Westminster Magistrates Court recently, which resulted in the discharge of our client who had faced a custodial sentence in Croatia for a supply of drugs offence. Angela instructed Natasha Draycott of 5SAH.

Investigations team successfully concludes private prosecution against former accountant

Our London-based investigations team led by Dan Martin recently concluded a long-running private prosecution in a rare form of ‘out of court’ settlement in a criminal case. Our clients are high-net worth individuals who for many years trusted their personal affairs to be managed by their friend and accountant. The case started when our clients’ newly appointed business advisor discovered that their former accountant, who is in his mid-eighties, had been overstating our clients’ liability to HMRC and fraudulently retaining tens of thousands of pounds every year.

GMC + Dr M

Evan Wright and Valentina Oldham represented an eminent doctor of Oncology, charged by the GMC of dishonesty in relation to the qualification he publicised on websites and in applications for research grants. The doctor was practicing in several countries and depended upon his reputation to support various academic projects.

Successful Acquittal in a multi-handed cyber mandate fraud before Trial

Hojol Uddin, Jonathon Enston and Elisha Kaur were instructed in a large scale multi-handed cyber mandate fraud.

CIFAS Marker Removal – don’t take ‘no’ for answer

Lily Beweley-West recently assisted an international client, Mr. A, with the removal of a CIFAS fraud marker from his credit file. The marker was preventing him from opening a UK bank account and harming his employment prospects. It was quickly removed following and investigation by Lily, who submitted written representations and evidence to CIFAS absolving the client of suspicion.

No Further Action taken in Local Authority Fraud Investigation

Amy Shaffron successfully represented a client in a fraud investigation by a local authority, who confirmed that no further action is to be taken against the client following her interview under caution. The client was accused of providing false information during the process of succeeding her late mother’s tenancy in their council-owned property. This was a very unsettling process for the client, who feared that she may lose her family home. The local authorities basis for believing that she had lied during the process was based on her being named as a tenant elsewhere despite claiming she was living at the family home. She accepted she was named on her husband’s tenancy, but only for the purpose of helping him meet the earning requirements to be accepted onto the tenancy. She did not consider herself as living anywhere else, so did not see it as relevant to her application to mention it.

Representation of prominent politician

Evan Wright represented a prominent politician, accused of misconduct in a public office and corruption. Following a very complex investigation and JMW’s written representations, the Crown Prosecution Service decided not to proceed against Evan’s client, although the investigation continues against others

Successful Acquittal in allegations of causing death by dangerous driving and causing serious injury by dangerous driving

Sam Healey has successfully defended a client facing allegations of causing death by dangerous driving, causing serious injury by dangerous driving and dangerous driving following a fatal road traffic collision.

Successful defence in alleged dishonesty of accountant

Evan Wright represented an accountant in professional disciplinary proceedings who failed to notify his regulator and insurer about the existence of a criminal investigation into his practice. Although lack of integrity had to be admitted, the accountant was advised to deny the allegation of dishonesty in the subsequent professional misconduct investigation.

Successful Acquittal in Allegations of Conspiracy to Defraud a financial institution and money laundering

Sam Healey has successfully defended a client facing allegations of conspiracy to defraud and money laundering. The individual was alleged to have used their trusted position to defraud a well-known financial institution and assist in laundering in excess of £350,000.

Successful Modern Slavery Act defence in Conspiracy to Supply Class A Drugs

Sam Healey represented a client and secures his acquittal on the first day of trial.
It was alleged by the prosecution that a group of nine individuals, including our client, were running a large-scale and sophisticated Heroin and Crack Cocaine supply operation in the Merseyside and Greater Manchester area. It was suggested that our client was involved in the supply of drugs although took his instructions from those above him in the operation.

Discharge of an Account Freezing Order

Evan Wright and Charlotte Kerry were instructed by Mr. A, managing director and founder of a trading company. HMRC suspected that Mr. A had laundered money through his company during the lockdown period. There were also suspicions of Bounce Back Loan Fraud and incorrect claims for Furlough payments.

Were the prosecution out of time to prosecute an offence at the Magistrates Court?

Evan Wright - instructing Jason Pitter QC - represented a defendant charged with sending obscene and offensive messages by WhatsApp. The charges were contrary to s.127(1) Communications Act 2003.

Only Acquittal in Money Laundering Case at Inner London Crown Court

Sam Healey and Helen Kelsall represented a client and secured their acquittal after a 7 day trial at Inner London Crown Court.

Conspiracy to defraud

Mike Rainford and Sam Healey were instructed to represent the registered manager of a care home alleged to have been involved in a large scale conspiracy to defraud contrary to common law. The firm advised, assisted and represented the client for over two and a half years, from the original police interview up until the conclusion of the trial.

Acquittal in alleged Class A drugs conspiracy

Hojol Uddin secured the acquittal of an individual alleged to have been involved in a large scale drugs conspiracy. Following a six week trial at Bolton Crown Court the jury returned unanimous not guilty verdicts in respect of the following counts faced by the defendant:

OFSTED Suspension Representation

Evan Wright advised two independent children’s nurseries following decisions by OFSTED to suspend the operation of both settings. Evan attended meetings with OFSTED and prepared written representations.

Arrest warrant obtained against alleged fraudster in private prosecution

Amy Shaffron – instructing David Whittaker QC – successfully obtained an arrest warrant against a defendant in a fraud prosecution being brought by JMW on behalf of two victims

Fraudulent evasion of VAT and excise duty to the importation of large consignments of goods to the UK

Evan Wright was instructed by Mr S, a former senior executive of a large European bank following the client’s arrest upon arrival in the UK. Mr S was alleged to have assisted others in the fraudulent evasion of VAT and excise duty in relation to the importation of large consignments of goods to the UK.

No hidden assets and maximum credit for an early guilty plea

Sam Healey was instructed to represent the head of an organised crime group operating out of Merseyside in a confiscation hearing and also appeal.

Representation in front of regulator’s interim orders committee

Evan Wright represented a professional who appeared before his regulator’s interim orders committee. The regulator argued that suspension was ‘necessary to protect the public’ because the Respondent had failed to tell them about a police investigation when renewing their membership.

HMRC concedes appeal against cash forfeiture

Sam Healey was instructed by two clients who were stopped by Border Force as they were about to board a flight to Thailand.

Banking Fraud

Evan Wright was instructed by B in a banking fraud case, described as one of the largest ever cases prosecuted by the Crown Prosecution Service. It was alleged that individuals associated with the impaired assets division of a large UK high street bank lent money to struggling businesses when the businesses were not in a position to be turned around.

No agreement to commit murder

Sam Healey represented a client who was jointly charged alongside five others in relation to an allegation of conspiracy to commit murder, in addition to other counts of conspiracy to inflict grievous bodily harm and violent disorder.

Allegation of crypto-currency fraud

Evan Wright was instructed by D to attend a police interview when it was alleged that D and members of her family had been involved in a crypto-currency fraud.

Death by careless / dangerous driving

Sam Healey was instructed to represent the CEO of a finance company, having been arrested on suspicion of causing death by dangerous driving contrary to Section 1 of the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Investigation by the Solicitors Regulation Authority

Evan Wright was instructed by a firm of solicitors investigated by the SRA in relation to the firm’s connection with building developments, which were said to be unregulated collective investment schemes. The SRA alleged serious breaches of SRA Principles and argued a failure to recognise issues raised in SRA warning notices.

JMW secure unanimous not guilty verdict in gangland murder trial

Hojol Uddin and Evan Wright represented and secured the acquittal of an individual alleged to have been involved in a machete attack upon another. David Whittaker QC and Harry Bentley of 2 Hare Court were instructed to represent the defendant at trial.

Investigation by a Local Authority to the safeguarding of children

Evan Wright was instructed by a children’s nursery when it faced investigation by the Local Authority in relation to a safeguarding issue. It was alleged that staff had failed to spot and appropriately deal with harm potentially caused to the child by a family member. The Local Authority portrayed the investigation as a fact finding exercise when it was – in reality – an enquiry with possible criminal consequences. The investigators wanted the nursery to make some damaging admissions.

Allegation of acting unlawfully during a public order incident

Evan Wright advised a solicitor who was alleged to have acted unlawfully during a public order incident. The police offered a community resolution, rather than a formal interview and court proceedings.

Alleged fraudulent discounts

Evan Wright was instructed by M, managing director and founder of a company offering logistics services to large corporations across Europe. It was alleged that M has allowed his company to be used to fraudulently obtain discounts on large amounts of IT equipment from the supplier, a multinational company.

HMRC inspection of a company’s claims for input VAT

Evan Wright was instructed by company S, following an HMRC inspection of the company’s claims for input VAT. The Revenue alleged that the company knew or should have known that it had involved itself in a fraudulent VAT chain when ordering goods from particular EU countries.

GMC + Dr B

Evan Wright represented a doctor charged by the GMC with dishonesty in relation to the preparation of medical reports. The doctor was instructed to prepare reports on behalf of a solicitor’s firm in support of claims for compensation arising from holiday sickness.

Inquest – Death by Road Traffic Collision

Sam Healey, Jonathon Enston and Valentina Oldham successfully represented their client, DF, at an inquest touching the death of KH, before the Coroner’s Court, to consider the circumstances surrounding a road traffic collision in which the parties were involved.