Joint Settlement Meeting

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Joint Settlement Meeting

A joint settlement meeting (JSM) is held to discuss your case, with a view to achieving a settlement. Either side can propose holding a joint settlement meeting once court proceedings have started on a case. It can also be proposed by the court, and in more complex cases, the court is likely to propose one to try and settle a claim without the need to progress to court.

The format of these meetings is that the claimant and defendant teams take up separate rooms. Your lawyer (and a barrister) will meet the defendant team in a third ‘neutral’ room to discuss the case, and report back to you on the discussions and any settlement offers made. You are also able to put forward settlement offers at a joint settlement meeting.

Your lawyer will provide you with further advice, should your case reach the joint settlement meeting stage. It is relatively rare that cases do not settle in a joint settlement meeting.

There are two types of Personal Injury cases, as follows:

Generally these are cases where your compensation award is likely to be less than £25,000 and the injury has occurred in England and Wales.

Generally, these are cases that either; i. have occurred abroad. ii. Are likely to provide you with compensation in excess of £25,000 or iii. Have left you with life-changing injuries.
Learn about the types of cases we deal with

Case taken on

Contact made with other party or their insurers

Liability accepted

Liability denied

Seek evidence


Case settled

Issue court

Case settled

Court issues

Case settled

Complying with

Court hearing

Case concluded

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*Usually, a case will settle before a final hearing, however once court proceedings have been issued, your lawyer will have to prepare the case as if it will go to trial.

What is the Purpose of a Joint Settlement Meeting?

A joint settlement meeting is a structured negotiation session where both parties in a legal dispute, along with their legal representatives, come together to discuss and potentially resolve their case without going to trial. These meetings are typically conducted in a neutral setting and are aimed at facilitating open dialogue and compromise. The objective is to reach a mutually agreeable settlement that satisfies both sides, avoiding the need for a lengthy and costly court process.

During a JSM, each party presents their arguments, evidence and perspectives on the case. Legal representatives play a crucial role in articulating their client's position and negotiating terms. Often, these meetings are more informal than court proceedings, allowing for a more candid exchange of views. This can be beneficial in identifying common ground and working towards a settlement that acknowledges the interests of both parties. Additionally, JSMs can be scheduled at various stages of the legal process, providing flexibility to resolve disputes early or after significant case developments.

The benefits of a joint settlement meeting extend beyond the potential for a quicker resolution. They offer a confidential environment where discussions remain private, unlike court proceedings, which are typically public. This confidentiality can encourage more honest communication and willingness to negotiate. Furthermore, JSMs can be less adversarial than a trial, helping to preserve relationships between the parties, which can be particularly important in personal injury cases where ongoing interactions may occur. Ultimately, a successful JSM can save time, reduce legal costs and provide a satisfactory outcome for everyone involved.

How Long Do Joint Settlement Meetings Take?

The duration of joint settlement meetings can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the case and the willingness of both parties to negotiate. Typically, a JSM can last anywhere from a few hours to an entire day. In some instances, particularly complex cases or those with multiple parties involved, the meeting might extend over several days. The primary goal is to allocate sufficient time to thoroughly discuss all relevant issues and work towards a mutually agreeable settlement.

Several factors influence the length of a JSM. The volume and nature of the evidence to be reviewed can play a significant role. Cases with extensive documentation, expert testimonies, and intricate details will naturally require more time for each party to present and consider the information thoroughly. Additionally, the readiness of the parties to compromise and their ability to engage in productive negotiations can either shorten or lengthen the meeting. Efficiently prepared parties and experienced negotiators can streamline the process, whereas a more contentious approach might prolong discussions.

The structure of the JSM itself also impacts its duration. These meetings often begin with an initial joint session where each party outlines their case, followed by separate private discussions or 'caucuses' with their legal representatives. This format allows for candid conversations and strategic planning without the other party present. The alternating between joint sessions and private discussions continues until a settlement is reached, or it becomes clear that an agreement is not possible. Given these dynamics, it's essential for parties to approach a JSM with flexibility and a commitment to investing the necessary time to achieve a resolution.

How JMW Can Help

JMW can provide invaluable assistance throughout the joint settlement meeting process, offering expert legal guidance and unwavering support to clients. Our experienced solicitors are adept at preparing for JSMs, ensuring that every aspect of your case is meticulously organised and presented. We help gather and analyse all necessary evidence, develop persuasive arguments, and strategise negotiation approaches to maximise the chances of reaching a favourable settlement.

At JMW, we understand that navigating a JSM can be daunting. That’s why we prioritise clear and consistent communication, keeping you informed and involved at every stage. Our team is committed to standing by your side, providing reassurance and expert advice to help you make well-informed decisions. With JMW Solicitors, you can be confident that your interests are being expertly represented, and every effort is being made to achieve the best possible outcome.

Talk to Us

To speak to an expert about an injury that was caused by somebody else’s negligence and your right to make a claim, contact JMW today. Our solicitors are waiting to hear from you and are happy to answer any questions you may have. To get in touch, simply call us on 0345 872 6666 or complete the enquiry form to let us know that you would like to hear from us.