Delay in diagnosis of bladder cancer causes man’s death - £210,000 compensation

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Delay in diagnosis of bladder cancer causes man’s death - £210,000 compensation

Case brought on behalf of Pat, 67, Simon’s wife

Simon sadly died aged 66 after a delay in the diagnosis of his bladder cancer. Pat, Simon’s widow, was concerned that there had may have been missed opportunities to diagnose his cancer at an earlier stage and prolong his life. After Pat contacted the specialist medical negligence solicitors at JMW her case was taken on and investigations into the care Simon received found there had been failures.


On his return from holiday, Simon began suffering from abdominal pain and a swollen right testicle. He also found he could only pass small amounts of urine. Simon therefore attended hospital, where he was diagnosed with an infection in a tube at the back of his testicles. Simon was prescribed antibiotics and advised to see his GP after one to two weeks to ensure that things had settled down.

However, just two days later Simon returned to the hospital as the pain and swelling in his testicle had increased. He was referred to urologists, doctors specialising in male urinary problems, who recommended that Simon have his bladder emptied with a catheter and continued on antibiotics. Analysis of Simon’s urine was also done, which showed microscopic traces of blood. Despite this finding, which is a sign of cancer, Simon was discharged and no follow-up was arranged.


A year and a half later, Simon noticed the presence of blood in his urine, which had become uncomfortable to pass with large clots visible. After seeking advice from his GP, Simon was referred back to the urologists. Simon underwent a CT scan, which revealed a large tumour on his bladder. He also received the devastating news that his cancer had spread and was not treatable.

Simon was advised that he had a life expectancy of 6-12 months. This news was of great distress to him and his family. Sadly, Simon’s condition deteriorated and he died later that year.

JMW Investigations

JMW’s specialist medical negligence team instructed leading independent medical experts to comment on the treatment Simon received. It was agreed that Simon’s care had been negligent, and that further investigations should have been carried out when Simon was first found to have the presence of blood in his urine.

The hospital admitted that earlier investigations should have been undertaken, which would have led to a timelier diagnosis of Simon’s bladder cancer. If Simon had been treated correctly, he would have undergone surgery in the form of a bladder resection, which would have cured him. Although nothing could make up for Simon’s premature death after settlement negotiations, JMW medical negligence solicitor Rachael Heyes successfully secured Pat £210,000 to help her with the financial consequences of losing her husband.

Rachael Heyes, a specialist medical negligence solicitor at JMW who handled Pat’s case, said:

“Ensuring cancer signs are picked up at the earliest opportunity gives patients the best chance of survival. Tragically that did not happen in Simon and Pat’s case and they were robbed of precious time together. It is crucial the hospital learns lessons from this.”

Rachael Heyes, Associate Solicitor
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