Inappropriate handling procedures causes pensioner to suffer fractured shoulders - £31,000

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Inappropriate handling procedures causes pensioner to suffer fractured shoulders - £31,000

‘Peter’, 78

A solicitor in the clinical negligence team at JMW, represented Peter, a pensioner who sustained fractures to both his left and right shoulders as a result of inappropriate manual handling techniques by hospital staff. This had a massive impact upon his mobility and quality of life.

Inappropriate treatment in hospital

Peter, a nursing home resident, was 78-years-old when he was admitted to the hospital’s A&E department. He suffered with dementia and diabetes and was feeling restless due to high glucose levels. During his hospital stay, Peter’s wife raised concerns of the ‘man-handling’ of her husband. Days later Peter sadly suffered from a diabetic seizure when trying to go to the toilet and was lowered to the floor by hospital staff. Peter was then lifted back into his bed using inappropriate manual handling techniques.

The following day, Peter complained about pain in his right shoulder and X-rays revealed that he had suffered four fractures to his right shoulder and two fractures on his left shoulder. Body maps also indicated bruising in Peter’s armpit area and the top of his arms.

Peter remained in hospital for a further three months. He endured painful physiotherapy and rehabilitation in order to recover. Prior to the shoulder injuries, he was able to shave, eat and wash by himself. Sadly the injuries impaired his mobility to the point where he could no longer do this. Peter also had to be transferred to a more specialised nursing home in order to support his mobility needs.

Successful clinical negligence claim

A clinical negligence claim was brought regarding inappropriate manual handling techniques used on Peter. Unfortunately, in the process of negotiating a settlement for the claim, Peter sadly passed away.

The hospital trust admitted that the incorrect techniques had been used and shortly after Peter’s passing, JMW was able to successfully negotiate a settlement figure of £31,000 for his wife as compensation for the impact of the hospital’s negligence.

Talk to Us

If you have suffered due to medical negligence while under hospital care, you may be entitled to claim compensation. JMW's team of specialist clinical negligence solicitors are here to help you seek justice.

Get in touch with us on 0345 872 6666 to discuss your situation. Alternatively, if you would prefer to arrange for us to call you at a suitable time, simply fill out our online contact form.

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