Permitting use without Insurance - Charge withdrawn against private company

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Permitting use without Insurance - Charge withdrawn against private company

Hojol Uddin and Elisha Kaur successfully advised and represented a UK-based private limited company in relation to a single charge of permitting use without insurance. JMW Solicitors were instructed that the offence occurred in late November where the company’s employee was caught driving with no insurance policy in force at the time. The company had a clean record and were concerned about a criminal conviction and also the consequences on their insurance premiums should they be found guilty of the offence.

In advance of the hearing, JMW Solicitors contacted the Police Prosecutor and made formal submissions to the extent that it was not in the public interest to pursue this company for the single charge due to the lapse of time and good character of the company. The Police Prosecutor agreed, and the matter was withdrawn in advance of any hearing and no further action was taken against the company.

Talk to us

JMW Solicitors Motoring Department is one of the leading experts in motoring offences in England and Wales. Should you require advice please do contact us. You can contact us by calling 0345 872 6666 or by completing our online enquiry form.

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