JMW Solicitors Attends House of Lords

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JMW Solicitors Attends House of Lords

Joint heads of our award-winning Personal Injury team, Andrew Lilley and Gordon Cartwright, recently visited the House of Lords with Steve Thompson MBE, the former Northampton and England rugby player, to meet Lisa Turan, CEO of the Child Brain Injury Trust.

In November 2020, at the age of 42, Steve was diagnosed with early onset dementia, with suspected chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE).  Sadly he has said he cannot remember large parts of his career.

Now he, Andrew and Gordon are working with JMW solicitor Alex Streeter to set up the Head On Foundation, a charity which will be a resource for anyone either suffering from early onset dementia or those caring for a family member with the condition. Steve has big ambitions for the scope of the Foundation but this will be its starting point.  Steve said of the visit: “It was great to meet the team from the Child Brain Injury Trust, hear about the incredible work they’re doing and explore the work we could do together. There are so many people with brain injuries that we can help and I’m delighted to be working with JMW on taking forward the Head On Foundation.”

Andrew added: “The team at JMW are very lucky to work with a number of charities who help the victims of brain injury. Steve’s story is inspiring and it was great to introduce him to like-minded people. I have little doubt that he will continue to raise awareness and help victims of traumatic brain injury through the Head On Charity he is currently setting up.

Gordon said: “It was inspiring to attend the House of Lords with Steve Thompson MBE to celebrate Lisa Turan’s 20th anniversary with the Child Brain Injury Trust.  It is amazing what Lisa has managed to achieve over the last 20 years to support children who have suffered a brain injury and their families. 

“Although Steve is just setting out on his journey to support people who are suffering with a brain injury, including early onset dementia, through his Foundation, I have no doubt that with his will and determination to help he will also have a massive impact when it comes to helping and supporting people affected by brain injuries in the years to come.”

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