Proposed NHS cuts may have devastating impact.

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Proposed NHS cuts may have devastating impact.

Recently leaked NHS internal documents have revealed that NHS Trusts in North and Central London will be forced to introduce cost saving measures due to a huge financial deficit. In a system where resources are already stretched this brings added concern about the impact on patient safety.

This is concerning news for patients of the Trusts who may be denied treatment or forced to wait for long periods of time for operations, units may close forcing patients to travel for treatment and of course risking harm as a result of unavailable treatment.

News reporters who have reviewed the document have suggested that spending on drugs will be reduced and fewer patients will be referred to hospital, the very real risk that patients will not receive the necessary specialist treatment they require.

The report indicates that the suggested cut backs will affect health care provision for upwards of 1.44million people.

These cut backs will likely have a very real impact on those requiring the most care with those who have reviewed the report suggesting that the budget for supporting people with severe health needs will be cut.

A budget cut like this will only lead to poorer all round care as services will simply not be available.

It appears that these measures will not be limited to London with NHS England and NHS Improvement seemingly seeking to save costs by way of a capped expenditure process across several different parts of England, despite the impact this may have on patient safety.

These proposed cuts it would appear are opposed by those working directly with patients in the Trusts suggesting that cuts as proposed will limit the care that can be provided and are not realistic or reasonable.

Although it is reported that this document makes no final decisions about potential cuts its existence creates a very real concern about the level or care which will be available under the NHS in the future.

If you've been subjected to negligent care as a result of the NHS please do not hesitate to get in contact on 0345 872 6666, or fill in our online form.

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