Solvent and Chemical Exposure

Call 0345 872 6666

Solvent and Chemical Exposure Claims

If you have worked with solvents and chemicals and have developed an illness as a result, JMW can help you claim the compensation to which you are entitled. Our team is highly experienced and will guide you throughout your case. If your health has been compromised due to conditions at your place of work, you are entitled to seek recompense. 

Start your claim today by speaking to one of our expert solicitors. Either call us on 0345 872 6666 or complete our online enquiry form and we will be in touch as soon as we can. 

What Our Clients Say

How JMW Can Help

Solvents and chemicals can come in any form - liquid, solid or gas - that becomes a solution by dissolving it in one or more substances. The type of solvents and chemicals used in an industrial setting are often hazardous. It is therefore vital that appropriate precautions are taken when it comes to handling hazardous solvents. Depending on their toxicity, solvents can affect the body's central nervous system if they are breathed in once they have been evaporated into the air, absorbed through the skin or swallowed. 

JMW has varied and extensive experience in dealing with compensation claims for solvent exposure if an employer has failed in their duty of care to keep you safe while at work. We have represented people from all sectors and we can represent you, getting you the compensation you deserve.

We are highly regarded for our proactive approach and we will get you the compensation you deserve. We also believe communication is key, which is why we'll keep you updated throughout your claim and provide the support you need, whenever you need it.

An Employer's Duty

In the workplace, strict controls should be implemented to prevent workers from being exposed to dangerous solvents. However, some employees may find they are asked to handle solvents without proper training or the correct safety equipment. If this has happened to you and your health has suffered as a consequence, we can help you make a successful claim for compensation. 

Employers should provide appropriate ventilation and protective equipment, such as gloves, goggles, aprons and respiratory equipment. The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, (COSHH) are designed to help keep people safe in the workplace and safeguard against exposure to dangerous chemicals or substances and their guidance in relation to solvent usage in the workplace should be followed.


What are the symptoms of solvent and chemical exposure?

The specific symptoms of solvent exposure will depend on the substance someone has come into contact with and the level to which they were exposed. Generally speaking, however, short-term symptoms may include:

  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Rash, if the skin has been exposed

These symptoms can be treated if addressed by a doctor; however, they may develop and worsen. Sadly, these symptoms are just the beginning. If an individual is regularly exposed to hazardous chemicals or suffers exposure over a long period of time, they are in danger of developing long-term symptoms, including;

  • Kidney damage
  • Liver damage
  • Sleeping problems
  • Trouble with concentration

Diagnosis of solvent and chemical exposure can be made through tests, in order to provide an accurate indication of the level of exposure. Analysis of blood and urine samples can also highlight more serious exposure that could potentially lead to damage to the heart, brain or kidneys.

For more information on solvent and chemical exposure, take a look at the HSE's advice.

Which industries pose the most risk to solvent and chemical exposure?

A list published by the Health and Safety Executive states that you are most likely to be exposed to solvents if you work in the following industries:

  • Chemicals
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Paint or ink manufacture
  • Rubber and plastic production
  • Textiles
  • Printing
  • Engineering
  • Construction
Which products pose the most risk to solvent and chemical exposure?

You may be at increased risk if you use certain products as part of your work, such as:

  • Adhesives
  • Paint removers
  • Paint
  • Pesticides
  • Ink removers
  • Inks
  • Varnishes
  • Toiletries

Talk to Us

Contact us today to get your solvent and chemical exposure claim underway. Either call us on 0345 872 6666 or complete our online enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as we can to discuss your situation in more detail. 

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