Untraceable Hit and Run Abroad - £20,000

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Untraceable Hit and Run Abroad - £20,000

We secured a £20,000 settlement for our client after they were left with life-threatening injuries following a vehicle collision in Spain, and the responsible driver drove away from the scene.

The Case

Mr K was on holiday in Spain when he became the victim of a hit and run incident in the early hours of the morning. Mr K’s memory of the accident was limited, but it was understood that he was leaving a nightclub and crossing the road using a pedestrian crossing, when he fell and landed in the road. Two vehicles managed to avoid Mr K, but the third vehicle drove over him, causing him serious injuries, including a breastbone fracture, scapula fracture, multiple rib fractures to the left and fractures to the spine. He also sustained fractures of the nasal bones and right sinus. 

The vehicle did not stop and drove away from the scene. As a result of the accident, Mr K spent four weeks in the Spanish hospital, including a two-week stay in the intensive care unit. Luckily, Mr K made a strong recovery from his injuries.

The Claim

The Spanish police were unable to trace the vehicle involved and as such, we pursued a claim in the English jurisdiction against the Motor Insurers Bureau, who stood in the place of the Spanish Guarantee Fund. The defendants firmly denied their liability, so we obtained Spanish law evidence from a leading Spanish Lawyer and commenced Court proceedings.

Final Settlement

The defendants continued to refuse to engage in any settlement discussions, but settlement was eventually reached before trial. The settlement figure of £14,000 took into account contributory negligence arguments, which were raised as an issue in the case.

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