Delayed treatment of leg condition causes above knee amputation - £1 million

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Delayed treatment of leg condition causes above knee amputation - £1 million


As a result of a hospital’s delay in treating a condition that was severely restricting the blood flow to his legs, Mike had to have a left leg above-knee amputation. After a successful clinical negligence case by JMW’s Nicholas Young, Mike was awarded £1 million in compensation so that he could cope with the financial consequences of his severe disability.

Delay in treatment

Mike initially noticed two ulcer-like wounds on his left calf and went to his GP. The GP referred him to the vascular team at the hospital on an urgent basis. Given the severity of symptoms, Mike should have been seen by the specialist within a week. Unfortunately an appointment was not arranged until five weeks later.

When Mike was seen by the vascular surgeon, he was diagnosed with an ischaemic leg ulcer, which was causing significant restriction of the blood flow to his leg. Treatment should have been commenced within two weeks to restore the blood flow. However, Mike received no treatment plan and was sent home with a further appointment to be seen in two months.

As his leg condition continued to deteriorate, Mike attended his GP on numerous occasions to get his wounds treated and was referred back to see the vascular surgeon. Mike was referred for a CT scan which showed a blockage in his aorta, meaning there was only minimal blood supply to both of his legs. This required urgent treatment but treatment was deferred until the case could be discussed at meeting of the hospital’s vascular team three weeks later.

Meanwhile, the wounds on Mike’s legs severely deteriorated and he returned to his GP several times. Mike was eventually referred as an emergency to hospital where he underwent surgical debridement on two occasions to try and save his leg but they were unsuccessful. Eventually he had to have an above the knee amputation.

Successful medical negligence case

Mike felt very concerned that his condition had gone untreated for a long time and this had been the root cause of him losing his leg. His case was taken on by Nicholas Young, one of JMW’s specialist medical negligence solicitors, who identified a series of failures in the care he was provided with. Of particular significance was the lack of urgent treatment provided despite Mike being under the care of the specialist vascular team. Had it not been the negligence of the hospital, Mike would have received treatment earlier to restore the blood flow to his leg. His leg ulcers would have healed without permanent damage and the amputation would have been avoided.

Nothing could ever make up for the ordeal Mike had endured but Nicholas was successful in obtaining a compensation settlement totalling £1 million so that Mike could have access to the care, aids and accommodation he needs as a result of the severe disability he had been caused.

Talk to Us

If you have endured a life-altering incident due to medical negligence, our specialist solicitors help you secure compensation to manage your situation.

Call us today on 0345 872 6666 to discuss your case and determine the best course of action. Alternatively, arrange a callback using our online contact form.

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