Man loses leg because of misdiagnosis - £340,000

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Man loses leg because of misdiagnosis - £340,000

A man has successfully obtained £340,000 compensation after he sadly lost his leg following a misdiagnosis by medical professionals.

Arnold started to notice pain in his right calf and put it down to a pulled muscle. However, the pain persisted and a few days later he contacted the out of hours doctors’ service.

Arnold spoke to Dr A. who expressed concern that the symptoms could be due to a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). However, Dr A did not tell Arnold to attend the centre where he could be examined or to attend A&E. He simply told him to obtain further medical advice if the calf swelled up or the pain increased.

Sent home by GP

By the following day the pain was worse so Arnold attended his GP who noted no signs of DVT and told him to return in two weeks if no better. The pain continued to get worse so three days later, when the pain was unbearable, Arnold again contacted the out of hours surgery where he was seen by Dr B.

Dr B examined the leg noting cold white toes, numbness and pins and needles but for some inexplicable reason did not suspect that there could be a problem with one of his blood vessels. The symptoms were clearly not those of a pulled muscle but Arnold was simply told to return if he did not improve.

Eventual diagnosis but too late to save the leg

Arnold saw a physiotherapist a couple of days later who expressed concern about the leg and urged Arnold to return to his GP. As soon as the GP saw the state of the leg he referred Arnold urgently to hospital where a diagnosis of a large clot in one of the major leg arteries was made.

The clot was removed but the damage to the muscles in the leg was so severe because of the prolonged reduced blood supply that the leg could not be saved and Arnold underwent an above knee amputation some days later.


The case was eventually settled for £340,000 after a great deal of work and negotiation by one of JMW’s experienced solicitors. The money secured for Arnold has enabled him to cover the cost of the care, equipment and aids he requires to cope with his disability.

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