Death by Dangerous Driving - Driving Uninsured – Minimum Sentence

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Death by Dangerous Driving - Driving Uninsured – Minimum Sentence

Hojol Uddin and Jack Pittam represented Mr M in respect of a serious incident relating to a charge of death by dangerous driving and driving whilst uninsured. This involved speeds in excess of 100 mph in a restricted speed limit of 40 mph, resulting in a loss of control at high-speed resulting in the passenger sadly passing away.

At the first appearance Mr M entered a guilty plea to obtain the maximum credit available to him ahead of advancing strong mitigation prepared by JMW.

Due to the nature of the offence Mr M was at risk of imprisonment of life, albeit this situation risked up to 18 years for the charge of death by dangerous driving. After hearing submissions, the Court agreed with the defence in that the sentence for the charge of driving whilst uninsured should run concurrently and not consecutively. The Court also agreed that it was not a deliberate attempt by our client to drive uninsured, and it had been an oversight by those who he had been provided the vehicle by.

Moreover, the efforts and preparation by Hojol Uddin and Jack Pittam, the sentence imposed against Mr M, was set at 8 years after full credit, Instead of the maximum 18 years imprisonment.

Mr M will be required to serve two thirds of his sentence, as the offence post- dated the recent change in legislation relating to life sentences.

Talk to us

JMW Solicitors Motoring Department is one of the leading experts in motoring offences in England and Wales. Should you require advice please do contact us. You can contact us by calling 0345 872 6666 or by completing our online enquiry form.

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